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Real Estate

How SMS Alerts Saved a Property Manager Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars

One of the fastest growing private property management firms, UAS Properties was known as the largest tenant placement firm on the south side of Chicago.






Calls a Day

The Challenge: Service Rental Properties Efficiently and Affordably

Struggling to collect payments on time, UAS Properties, like many property management firms, needed a cost-effective way to mitigate the revenue delays.

Plus, the firm’s call center received over 150 daily calls from potential renters, along with busy day-to-day operations for more than 800 properties in their portfolio. Calls were time-sensitive because delays to return calls could mean properties stayed vacant longer.

Communicating with all these people in any other way would be impractical.

Atukwe Newell, Managing Partner – UAS Properties

The Solution

Atukwe Newell, a senior principal at the firm, looked to stem the losses by implementing SMS notifications. He launched Recurring Texts campaigns so that as bills came due, SMS messages were triggered and included a number for automatic payments.

He also streamlined apartment inquiries so that interested applicants were able to subscribe for updates on new listings, price reductions, and more.

The Results

By Newell’s estimates, forgoing an internal collection agency to address delinquent renters would save UAS Properties roughly $140,000 per year. Instead, with EZ Texting, the firm could directly reach tenants with a single click for less than $100 a month.

The firm also benefited from the increased speed of leasing units. With open rates of 98% — 5X that of email — potential renters are most likely to see new listings that are texted to them. According to Newell, just minutes after texting new rentals, the phones at UAS pick up for at least 30 minutes with interested parties.