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Top Text Message Abbreviations

EZTexting blog
Top Text Message Abbreviations

As technology has advanced, so has user ability to communicate effectively. SMS messaging allows businesses to communicate easily using assorted abbreviations, many of which are helpful when creating an SMS marketing campaign. Check out a few of these abbreviations and how they can benefit your business:


The abbreviation for “What about you?” offers businesses the chance to ask customers and prospects how they feel or think about certain products and services. Get customer feedback and find out what’s working and what isn’t.


Asking customers to sign up for an app or newsletter, like a social media page, provide product feedback and anything else always sound nicer when the word “please” is attached. Remember to add “PLZ” when using SMS messaging or any other platform while communicating with customers.


An abbreviation for “Way to go!”, this option works as a mobile marketing solution in that it can congratulate customers for finishing a survey, signing up for a service or simply buying a product.


Who doesn’t know the abbreviation for “by the way”? Provide a fun option for announcing new products, deals or campaigns with this abbreviation, such as “BTW receive 10% off your next purchase when you do/complete [x].”


A simple way to tell someone or a group of people they did a “good job,” PROPS definitely  has the ability to make customers smile when used in a mobile marketing campaign. Give them “props” for remaining loyal customers, commenting and liking business social media sites and more.


Let customers know that attending to their needs is “no problem” with this abbreviation. These two letters easily tell customers via SMS messaging what a pleasure it is to serve them.


The oh-so-funny abbreviation for “what’s up”, customers will undoubtedly get a kick out of any business who uses “SUP” in a mobile marketing campaign. Heck, they may even show the text to friends, prompting them to research what makes the company so fun and unique.

These are just a few of the many funny and effective abbreviations used in SMS messaging! Try one or a few as a key mobile marketing solution component and see if it doesn’t help business!

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