SMS API Documentation
IMPORTANT: This documentation refers to our Legacy API, which is unavailable for new users and will be deprecated for existing users soon. Please check out our new API here
EZ Texting APIs
Before you begin working with our text messaging API you'll want to read through our SMS API documentation. Our API allows you to do much more than send and receive text messages, allowing you to tightly integrate your application with our platform. Learn about these functions, and how to understand and interact with them.
We Offer REST & HTTP APIs. Please make sure to read the documentation for the API that you are using. While we will continue to support our HTTP API, this is a legacy product. Active development has moved to our REST API. As such, we encourage you to use our REST API. The REST API already offers bulk sending and message scheduling options. No new features will be added to the HTTP API.
Read The REST API Docs
Read The HTTP API Docs
If you are sending the same message to multiple recipients our REST API allows you to pass us an array of phone numbers. The HTTP API requires you to loop through each phone number. We strongly urge you to consider using the REST API instead of looping through requests using the HTTP API.
Wait, There's More! Learn About The Two Incoming Message APIs
Regardless of which API you use, receiving incoming messages works in the same manner. When working with EZ Texting's Incoming Message APIs it is important to understand the different way we handle 'Keyword' messages and 'Inbox Reply' messages.
When someone sends in your keyword [space] message or just replies without a keyword within 12 hours of you sending a message to them, the Inbox Reply API is used where the variable is called from. If someone sends in only your keyword then the Keyword API is invoked and that variable is called Phone Number.