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The Results of Effective SMS Marketing

SMS Referendum
The Results of Effective SMS Marketing

You've probably heard a lot about the benefits of SMS marketing over the past few years. There are numerous statistics that try to sway you to adopt this marketing program. But, what can you really expect to see as results after running an effective texting campaign?

  • Open Rate: 100% for texts versus 17% for email
  • Increased conversions: 32% conversion rate
  • Improved customer service: Over half of customers want to text for customer service
  • Easily assess your ad success: Use texts as a CTA to assess your ads

What Makes an Effective Campaign?

Before learning more about what you can expect, a brief reminder of what exactly makes an effective marketing campaign:

  • Content of Value
  • Targeted Messages
  • The Right Audience
  • The Right Offer or Deal
  • Timing
  • Frequency

Start by building a solid foundation that sets the state for each component. Then, you will have dynamite content that predisposes you to achieve the amazing results offered by text message marketing.

Higher Open Rate Than Email

Customers open texts at a much higher rate than email.

You might not achieve the 100% open rate proclaimed, since this is an average rate based on a study. However, you will see a much higher open rate than your email marketing programs, and it is possible to get numbers up above 90%. Compare that to the average email newsletter, which has an open rate around 22%. This is significantly lower than the potential for SMS marketing.

Not only does texting have a high open rate, but it also tends to have a response time of just 90 seconds! Compare that to email, which has an average response rate of 90 minutes. If you want to make sure that customers see and act on a message, forget email. Texting is what you want.

Increased Conversions

Text message marketing has the potential to increase your conversions. It has an impressive 32% conversion rate. Compare this to the click through rate in email, which is an average of about three percent. What does this mean? It means that by sending out text messages to your customers, you have a higher chance of getting them to take whatever action you want. This might be to redeem a coupon or click a link or sign up for something.

Another reason that you can expect increased conversions from your texting campaign is that you are reaching an audience that is already highly engaged. Text message marketing is a permission-based medium. Therefore, the people who sign up to receive your messages want to hear from you. Unlike email marketing, people are still very choosy about which businesses they provide their cell phone numbers to for texting campaigns. Therefore, they already have a significant interest in your company when they sign up. That makes it much easier to convert them through your program.

This also makes it much easier to create a marketing program that targets a particular audience. Personalized, targeted marketing messages enhance the success rate even further.

Improved Customer Service

Consumers want to hear from businesses through text messages. Additionally, a majority wants to have any customer service completed through text. By providing the service, you already start to improve your customer relations.

People shop more and more based on their experience and emotions. Therefore, the more you build your customer relations, the better service you provide. This develops more positive experiences for customers, which in turn leads to them choosing your business over others more often. Over time, they become loyal customers.

Know The Success of Your Ads

A texting campaign helps you judge the efficacy of you ads.

Another result you can expect from a highly effective SMS marketing campaign is to know how well your ads succeeded. Texting is easy to add as a call to action across all marketing mediums. This not only gives your customers an actionable response that is easy to do from anywhere, but it also gives you an easy way to measure how well audiences responded to a particular ad.

Although this is beneficial all the time, it is especially helpful if you plan to test a few ads. You can use different keywords on each ad and then see which one gets the most opt-ins. Alternatively, you have the potential to see which efforts are working the best for your entire marketing campaign, including print ads, TV and radio spots, digital marketing and more. Simply measure which ads received the most opt-ins by using different keywords. If you notice that certain ads are not getting people to act, then simply investigate to see if there are ways to change it or if you should just scrap that type of advertising.

With an effective ad campaign, it is possible to experience many of these results. With such amazing statistics, it might be tempting to simply forgo your other marketing channels. However, texting works best as one part of an integrated, multi-channel marketing strategy.

Sign up for free and see what results you can achieve with your texting campaign.

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Now it’s even easier for your team to connect with your audience and collaborate on inbound messages. Yes, that means fewer missed messages!
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